Sunday, November 15, 2009

In the midst of animatics...

Right now, I'm in the midst of my animatics. Character designs are still in progress.

So for the animatic, I decided to go for a 3D approach, since I have difficulty drawing characters in perspective. Moreover, I get to play around with the various focal length and camera moves as well. Hence, I downloaded a couple of free rigs and posed them. Then, I added crude lighting to give a tinge of mood instead of leaving everything grayscale. Here are a couple of frames from different cameras.

I'm still in the decision making process on whether I should have the fireplace lit up. The downside is that it would be an additional technical hurdle - creating fire. Of course I could cut this down to having fire visible in only a few shots and having off screen effect of the flickering light from the fire place. Then again, there's this scene where Angela's father puts out all sources of light when he hears the fire alarm. I have not thought about how I would do it when it comes to putting out the fire.

Well that's not important right now, I could probably focus on that later.

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